Meet the Teacher and Community Centre Open House with a Hot Dog Meal available for $5 per person September 25th

Meet the Teacher is 4:30pm to 5:30pm on September 25th.

This is a time to see the classroom and meet the teacher and have your child show your their new learning space. From 4pm to 7pm the James Bay Community Centre will be hosting their Open House and serving a hot dog & chips meal for $5 per person. Greek on the Street will be here as another option for families to purchase.

Parent/Guardian and Teacher Interviews will take place on

Wednesday October 23 3pm to 5:30pm AND Thursday October 24 1pm to 5:30pm.

This 15 minute interview will give time and space for you as the parent/guardian to connect with your child’s teacher about your child’s learning and social emotional needs.

I look forward to seeing your family  at the Meet the Teacher event.

Marla Margetts, Principal