Booking a Spot
Strong Start Families – please use the main entrance of the Community Centre to attend Strong Start. Thank you.
Daily Strong Start sessions are from 8:30am to 11:15am. You are welcome to come at any time during the session and stay as long as you wish.
The Community Centre opens at 8:30am.
Please ensure that you register your child with their birth certificate, first before booking your session. Online Registration is available by following this link: https://studentregistration.sd61.bc.ca/registration/strongstart. To register, you will need to upload a photo of proof of your child’s age (e.g. birth certificate, passport, landed immigrant authorization, or INAC status card).
When you have registered your child you can book a date to visit the program here: https://strongstartbooking.sd61.bc.ca/
Booking sessions are open two weeks prior and as of September 28, there aren’t any limits as to how many sessions you book each week. If you are having trouble booking a session, that means we are fully booked for two weeks in advance. Please check for cancellations the night before and again early morning.
I look forward to spending time with you and your littles.
Thank you so much!
Miss Kris.
Find us on Facebook
Even if you are unable to join us in person our StrongStart Facebook group includes greats tips and suggestions for parents in our community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/JamesBayStrongStart/
About Our Programme
Kris Munoz is the programme leader for the James Bay Community School Strong Start.
The James Bay Community School StrongStart Programme is a free early learning program for children aged 0 to 5 years. Children must be accompanied by a parent or caregiver while attending the program. Our wonderful programme is conducted by Kris Munoz, a qualified early childhood educator who leads a variety of learning activities designed to help children get ready for success in kindergarten.
Parents and caregivers attending our JBCS StrongStart center can expect organized sessions like story time, play activities, and a healthy snack. Discover new ways to support your child’s learning. Make connections with others parents and caregivers who attend and gain important information about additional services and resources in our community.
We are located in the main school down the hall from the JBCS Library
For more information about the program please visit the District’s StrongStart Page: https://www.sd61.bc.ca/programs/strong-start/
CONTACT: StrongStart@sd61.bc.ca